Service Fees


Our fee schedule is very simple, with no hidden charges.

Piano Service Call/Estimate - $60

If you have something wrong with your piano, and you want a diagnosis, I can come take a look and give you an estimate.  If you decide that you want to proceed with the work, this fee goes towards the cost of your repair.  If you don't proceed, then it covers my expenses for the service call.

Piano Tuning -- $150

This fee is for a piano that has been tuned within the last 12 months.  Pianos that have had a longer interval than this since last tuned will require a pitch raise.

Pitch Raise Tuning -- $250

This is essentially a double tuning in one visit, and is necessary when a piano has gone more than 12 months without a tuning.

Piano Repair Work -- Varies... start with an Estimate!

I can perform many different mechanical repairs on your piano, such as action work, pedal work, string replacement, cleaning, removal of foreign objects, and many other services.  These are priced out on a case-by-case basis.  Schedule a Piano Service Call/Estimate for $60, and the fee will apply toward your repair cost.

Piano Life Saver -- the pricing on these depends on the kind of piano you have.  There are several different models available, and the particular model you have to have depends on the size of your piano and how it is constructed.  Get a Piano Service Call/Estimate and we can check it out for you.

Warranty -- All tuning work carries a 30 day no questions asked guarantee (for residential customers only; we regret that we cannot offer this guarantee to commercial or church clients due to factors beyond our control).  All repair work carries a one year parts and labor warranty (for all customers, residential or commercial)